How To Build & Protect Your Faith
When faced with a huge battle in life, sometimes we can become fair weather fans. We speak of faith, but then when we are hit with a bad situation, suddenly, we can't seem to find any.

Why is that?

Well for me, it was because I had not filled my quiver full of faith arrows and I was not doing anything to keep from losing my arrows.

I like to compare faith to a quiver of arrows because as you build your faith, you equip yourself with arrows to use when you are hit with a big battle. If you do not build your faith, or allow the enemy to steal it, you are fighting a battle with no weapons.

How do you lose your arrows?

Through distractions like fear, busyness, being around negative people or negative sources like the news, FB, etc. Temptations, focusing too much on self, and allowing or contributing to causing division.

Sometimes we fill our quivers at church and then drop all our arrows by the time we leave the parking lot.

So how do you build & protect your faith so when you are hit with huge battles, you are ready to handle them confidence?

Spend time:

By opening up his Word, reading, meditating. Dig deep, ask questions, dissect scripture, seek to learn all He has to say to your heart.

By spending moments with Him in prayer.

By taking time to be quiet and still before Him, just listening for his voice.

By reflecting, remembering, thanking Him for his gift of sacrifice made on our behalf.

By praising God for the power of the Resurrection of Christ, for the promise of new life.

By celebrating together with the body of Christ.

Remember that whatever you focus on, good or bad, will grow and increase in your life.

Walk by Faith, build your Faith and protect your Faith!

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