As A Man Thinks in His Heart, So Is He
As a man thinks in his heart, so is he (Proverbs 23:7)
Did you know that you never will rise above the image you have of yourself? If you see yourself as poor and defeated, then you're going to live a poor and defeated life. If you see yourself as overweight and unhealthy, then you will be overweight and unhealthy.
In order to change your life, you have to change your focus. You have to change what you're looking at and believing for. You have to believe that God is for you and desires good things for life. If you choose to stay focused on the things that are negative in your life, then by your own choice you are agreeing with the enemy. You cast the deciding vote. When you believe his lies, it opens a door to destruction in your life.
But on the other hand, if you choose to agree with God and His Word, if you'll choose to focus on the fact that you can do all things through Christ, and that you're more than a conqueror, then your faith is going to cause God to show up and work supernaturally in your life! Your faith will help you go to new levels of victory and soon you will rise to be the champion God has called you to be!
Remember what Billy Blanks says, "Where you are today is where YOUR mind put you and where you will be tomorrow is where YOUR mind put you." If I had not put my mind on a new, better me, someone who not only wanted to change myself, but everyone around me, then I would be the same person I was years ago, sitting on a couch, eating chips, watching infomercials and giving up. Instead, I decided to accept what God wants for me and fight for it and I went from the person on the couch watching infomercials to being the girl on them sharing my testimony!
THAT my friends, is the POWER we have, the power to change, it is in your hands, RELEASE IT!
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